The components of the digitalization

What are the components of digitalization?

First of all, digitalization is only possible with ‘the devices capable of managing digital signals’(1) (Verhulst, 451), and the established eco-system that connects all those devices to each other.
The information presented in code (digital signal) can be understood, transmitted and manipulated by almost any digital device, so in this case the method of storing the data in digital form is more universal. For example, ‘one system created for transportation digital signals may carry services that in the past were provided in separate ways’(2), as video, audio or text, for example (Pool, 23).

Thus, the first component of digitalization that ordinary people are dealing in their everyday life is a tangible object that people can own (rent) and/or interact with. It can be a mobile phone, smart watch or any kind of smart wear (sport bra, for example), laptop, cameras in the parking lot and any kind of sensors that ‘detects events or changes in the environment, and then provide a corresponding output.’ (3) Continue reading

Website building: purpose, navigation and identity, IDBM case.

When I got the task and had to build the website for IDBM program that would replace the old one (that was down at that moment) I was so excited and had a lot of fireball ideas and wanted to try all of them at the same time. 🙂

In reality I was not able to code anything but very simple html (now I’m a bit better and still learning the basics of coding), and of course my colleagues have had some sort of ideas what kind of website they would like to have (”We need a new website and it is quite urgent. “ :)). Continue reading